The MACHINERY DEPARTMENT and MATERIALS DEPARTMENT based in Gifu Prefecture exchange information with overseas companies and hone technological skills by dispatching development staff and manufacturing personnel overseas as well as collecting and analyzing the latest technologies and customer market information. Also, at each of our business sites, factory lines are actively reinforced, and quality management is built in line with ISO9001 and ISO14001-certification for assurance, improvement, and development of environmentally friendly products.
Regional sales activities centering on the Tokyo branch office, the Osaka sales office, and the Nagoya sales office, professional technical follow-ups by sales engineers, and other sales activities are widely carried out with the Additives of the transmission of information, taking advantage of IT, on the basis of cooperative relationships withrepresentative officesand agents and dealers. Also, we are ready to provide the most important after-sales service for products by staffing engineers in each area. Outside Japan, sales activities are carried out through our affiliated companies and representative offices and agents in countries mainly in Southeast Asia, and also by grouping in the U.S. and Europe.